I am Bernita Jefferson, born in Little Rock, raised in the small community of Woodson, AR. At an early age I was introduced to Religion and have always had questions concerning the cause. I have been a “member” of many different sects of Faith, but one that remains strong in me is the one that surpasses all levels of understanding and that is Spiritual consciousness. The Center of Ministry to me is the Power that unlocks every door no matter how heavy, moves any mountain no matter how large, and parts any body of water no matter how deep. The Center of any thing is the heart of it and there is no difference when it comes to ministry. What comes from the heart reaches the heart. I have three children that through raising them have also caused an awareness awaking in me that cannot be put to sleep and that is the awareness of life itself. We were taught that in God we have life and through him we live life and without Him we simply die. I am who GOD says I am.